SURFER A compact, hand-held, light weight instrument for measuring the ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) on the concrete surface
The Surfer measures the pulse transit time from transmitter to receiver and computes the pulse velocity using the known distance between two dry-point-contact (DPC) transducers brought into contact with the test object´s surface. Thus, ultrasonic pulse velocity can be measured without having access to opposite sides of the test object. In contrast with traditional pulse velocity instruments (based on through transmission), Surfer measures the wave speed in the near-surface concrete.
- Assessment of concrete uniformity
- Estimation of depth of surface-opening cracks
- Estimation of the extent and severity of deterioration of near-surface concrete
- Evaluate flexural strength of stone panels using correlations
- Evaluation of damage to test specimens during durability testing (freezing and thawing, sulfate attack, alkali-silica reaction)
- Estimation of early-age strength development (with project/mixture specific correlation)
- Dry point contact, longitudinal-wave transducers with ceramic wearing tips.
- Distance between transducers: 150 mm.
- 50 kHz center frequency.
- Nominal voltage: 3.3 V.
- Rechargeable battery with 16 hours life.
- LCD screen.
- Data transfer to computer via USB.
- Transit time range: 12.5 to 150 µs.
- Transit time (t) measurement accuracy: ± (0.01∙t + 0.1) µs.
- Crack depth measurement range: 10 to 60 mm.
- Pulse repetition frequency: 2 to 25 Hz.
- Automatic Gain Control (AGC) function.
- Storage capacity: 50,000 results.
- Metric and inch-pound units.
- Instrument’s weight: 450 g.
- Instrument’s dimensions: 235 x 155 x 65 mm.
- Operating conditions: Temperature: -20 to 50 °C, RH ≤ 95 %.