Applying torque in 4-square applications
The Spinning Rotary Actuator (SRA) consists of a double vane type hydraulic rotary actuator and a rotary coupling to communicate hydraulic fluid to the actuator while it is spinning.
Application and Function
A four square actuator mechanically regenerates power through a mechanical system of shafts and gearboxes. This rotary actuator provides torque to load the system while the drive motor provides the rotational speed and is sized only to overcome the friction in the system, resulting in a very energy efficient test stand.
The SRA has been designed specifically for this application. This design is based upon decades of experience with manufacturing fatigue rated test systems. Almost all dynamic sealing is done through the use of labyrinth sealing, resulting in a low friction interface with a theoretically infinite life. The low friction, low internal leakage design allows this unit to be used in very highly dynamic systems.