The NEW released Hylec Measuring Station measures the dimensions of 100mm diameter x 200mm long concrete cylinders to Australian Standard AS1012-8. The unit is being successfully used by both Hanson and Cement Australia and is connected to their Limms systems.
It has the following features:
- Compatible with Qestlab software
- 3 through-beam laser transmitter and CCD receiver digital optical measuring systems with measurement independent of temperature, surface texture, colour of sample or dirt on lenses.
- Edge measurement minimises the effect of craters on sample surface
- Sample is mounted upside down to ensure height is measured at centre of sample
- Push button calibration facility using a reference cylinder compensates for wear of mechanical supports
- A separate HDMI display unit, two for central diameter at right angles one for height, and one for weight indicates locally and transmits dimensions to a PC in mm and grams.
- Transmits data via one only RS232 link using MODBUS with ethernet CAT5 cable
- Measurement accuracy for both dimension and weight is 0.1% across a temperature range of 10 to 40 degrees C.
- Measurement range is ± 4mm over diameter 95 to 105mm & height 194 to 204mm
- These stations include a load cell in the measuring fixture, mechanical overload limits, and an additional weight panel meter on the display unit. Data transmitted via the MODBUS RS232 link would include three dimensions and one weight measurement. The weight measurement can be auto taring when there is no sample in the fixture. An optional USB or Ethernet CAT5 connection can be supplied at no charge.
The new model replaces the panel meter display with a touch screen display and upgrades features and data transmission capabilities to include RS232 ethernet and USB. The calibration facility is upgraded from 2-point to three point or optionally 5-point to give easier and more accurate calibration. As before the accuracy of dimension measurement is 0.1mm and weight is 10Gm with resolution of either 10 or 1Gm.
- The unit display is now attached to the fixture, minimising bench space.
- The laser dimension sensors and shadow measurement principle where the direction of the beam is across the surface of the sample (not at right angles to the surface) ensures craters in the sample surface do not affect measurement accuracy.
- As before the station includes over travel limits to prevent damage to the load cell.
- Provision for sample weight measurement in a water bath is still included.
- The measuring station is configured within the program to perform onboard data storage, as a backup system for events where the LIMS goes off-line.
- A bar code recognition system of cylinder sample is a new feature, which includes a mounted code reader device and optional customised bar code printing equipment and cradle fixtures.
- Three certified calibration test cylinders are provided for regularly checking weight and dimensions.
- Customers have found the station to be reliable, requiring little maintenance or calibration.