The Heavy Weight Deflectometer (HWD)
developed by Dynatest, is the first commercially available device of its kind.
The HWD offers exceptional versatility, allowing testing on both rigid paver block and flexible pavements found in roads and airports.
With a loading capacity ranging from 30 to 320kN, the HWD can replicate various vehicle loads, including those from extremely heavy aircraft like the Boeing 777, Airbus 340, or 380.
The deflectometer's output serves multiple purposes:
- Identifying failure layers and determining optimal rehabilitation solutions.
- Assuring quality control in both new pavement construction and existing pavement assessment.
- Enhancing pavement modeling and understanding.
- Supporting pavement management and research efforts.
Key Benefits:
- Dynamic loading enables mechanistic-empirical analysis of pavement layers, leading to the identification of optimum rehabilitation strategies.
- Automated and rapid structural pavement testing.
- Identifies failure layers rather than solely focusing on bearing capacity.
- Quality assurance and quality control for newly constructed pavements.
- Evaluates a range of rehabilitation options, such as plane off and recycling, not limited to applying overlays.
- The Dynatest HWD provides accurate, reproducible, and repeatable data.
- Automated and real-time monitoring of load cells, geophones, and data variations ensures high-quality data collection.
- Utilises mechanistic analysis to test various pavement structures.
The HWD has been utilised globally, enduring diverse environments ranging from scorching deserts to humid tropics and even frigid polar regions.
Standard Equipment
- 4 segmented loading plate with swivel commodates uneven or rutted pavement surfaces
- 7 or 9 deflection sensors (geophones)
- Air/Pavement Temperature Sensors
- Distance Measuring Instrument (DMI)
Available Options
- Global Positioning System (GPS)
- Camera system for plate location or Right of Way Imaging
- On board generator for standalone operation
- Trailer mounted light(s) or strobe(s)
- Rear or rear and transverse sensor extension bars
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GSSI or IDS)
- Spare parts kit
- Tool kit
ELMOD Software - only available for Dynatest Equipment
- Evaluation of Layer Moduli and Overlay Design
- Dynatest’s ELMOD software may be used for the analysis and design of flexible, rigid, and composite pavements
- Allows quick data reduction and analysis of FastFWD load/deflection measurements
- Capable of backcalculation of the layer moduli, for a typical drop sequence, in less than a second
- Fast calculation of the seasonally adjusted moduli, residual life of the pavement, and required overlay thickness for a given service life
- For maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R), the LCCA (Life Cycle Cost Analysis) module allows the user to select the optimum M&R solution
for a pavement section according to cost/benefit ratios - For analysis of airfield pavements, the optional PCN module calculates PCN in accordance with the ACN/ PCN method, as described in the ICAO and FAA design manuals