Cold Bend Testing Machine 150kN capacity
The Cold Bend Testing Machine is designed for bending and straightening steel reinforcing bars and meets several standards, including EN ISO 15630-1, EN ISO 7438, EN 10080, and ASTM A615. It is capable of performing two types of tests, bending the specimen through 90° and then straightening it again up to a minimum of 20° or bending through 180°.
The machine consists of a hydraulic jack (linear actuator with a stroke of 600 mm) with a cylindrical mandrel-stem mounted horizontally within a strong steel frame. Two fixed reaction rollers are also mounted on the frame. The machine is supplied with two rollers of different diameters (50 and 100 mm), which can be adjusted with a hand-operated wheel to conform to the standards. Fixing and changing the mandrels on top of the thrust cylinder is easy and practical, allowing the operator to interchange them easily. The machine is cased to protect its components from dust, and the operator from any possible danger.
The mandrels supplied with the machine are designed to conform to EN ISO 15630-1 and ASTM A615 & A615M standards. These mandrels ensure that the machine meets the required standards and can perform the intended tests accurately and reliably.
- Maximum loading capacity: 150kN
- Piston travel max. speed: 60 mm/min
- Power: 1100 W
- Dimensions: 935 x 1750 x 1100 mm
- Approx. weight: 670kg